Here are results for all 16 races.
In each case scroll down for the team score.
Race 1 D1 Frosh Girls
Race 2 D1 Frosh Boys
Race 9 D2 Frosh Girls
Race 13 D2 Jr Girls
Race 3 D1 Soph Girls
Race 4 D1 Soph Boys
Race 10 D2 Frosh Boys
Race 14 D2 Jr Boys
Race 5 D1 Jr Girls
Race 6 D1 Jr Boys
Race 11 D2 Soph Girls
Race 15 D2 Sr Girls
Race 7 D1 Sr Girls
Race 8 D1 Sr Boys
Race 12 D2 Soph Boys
Race 16 D2 Sr Boys
Here are all races combined for boys and girls

This is a flash slide show of the winners of each race. To see full size versions of all photos (including these), download or print them go to the Flickr photo link for this meet.

For more control over this show run your mouse of the top of the frame.

To see thumbnails run your mouse over the bottom of the frame.